Friday, January 13, 2012

New Years Resolutions?

So, I've never been one to make New Years Resolutions. They are so easy to make but forget about on January 3rd. But this year, I am DETERMINED to stick with it! I've joined a fitness center, I've gone now 5 days and I'm LOVING it! It helps so much that this time I have fitness buddies...near and far! I've joined an awesome Facebook group that keep you motivated, give you meal ideas, and are there to help pick you up when you fall. I'm so thankful for each of those gals! Just a shout out to a few of them: Amy, my sweet sister-in-law, thanks for going to the gym with me! It will be so fun to have someone on this journey right by my side...and watching the pounds fall off each other, and the muscles grow! Holly, my wonderful friend of forever. You are amazing...and smokin' hot...gonna just get hotter!!! I'm so glad that we can be fitness buddies - even though we're in totally different states! We got this! Amber, so proud of you for what you've already done! Every time I see your before/after photo, I get a little more inspired. I'm looking forward to both of us getting more and more fit! Heather, you are super-Mom! You have the cleanest house, the sweetest & most well behaved kids, and always have time to work out! You're always ready to cheer us on, and you motivate us by just being you! And all the other gals on Facebook, even the ones I'm just getting to know: Keep up the great work! We're going to be able to do so much more for the LORD when we're feeling better, stronger and happier!!!

I'm starting a 12 week training program on Monday: Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer  I am excited, nervous and overwhelmed at the thought of it! But we got this! :) I will try to post updates on my progress along the way, as well as some pictures! I need to take my "BEFORE" pictures, weights and measurements...I'll post them too, even though I'm not going to be really "excited" about that! Wish me luck!

EDIT: It sure is hard to write what I'm really feeling with twins asking for this, that or the other...I just realized I left out my wonderful Hubby! He is so supportive of my goals, and even though he thinks I'm beautiful just the way I am, he is thankful that I want to be healthy. If it makes me happy, he's happy. He doesn't mind getting Seth back to sleep when he wakes up at 4:00, as I'm getting ready to leave. He doesn't mind when I kiss him good bye all stinky and sweaty when he leaves for work. He doesn't mind giving up his early morning cuddles with me, for me to go to the gym. He doesn't mind it when I'm falling asleep on the couch at 8:30 because I didn't get to take a nap that day. (as a matter of fact, he takes those opportunities to tease me...all in good fun!) He's great! I'm so thankful for him!

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