Monday, August 23, 2010

First Time Blogger

Well, I guess I'm going to give in to the whole blogging thing. We'll see how it goes! I've never been very good at keeping a journal, so you might not hear from me very often! But I figure that it's a great way to keep everyone up to date on the things we do - especially my kids!

The twins turned 2 about 3 weeks ago. They are at such a fun (and exhausting!) age. The great thing about twins is they have a built in playmate. Sometimes I just have to stop to watch them play together. They get along so well (most of the time). Every night before bed, they have to give each other a hug and a kiss and say "Wuv You!" It just melts this Momma's heart!

Larry the Cucumber & Bob the Tomato
Junior Asparagus
They LOVE Veggie Tales right now. It's so cute! They both dance and sing along with them. They love "Yarry" (Larry) and "Dundior" (Junior) most especially. They can sing a few words to a couple of the songs. Their favorites are "The Hairbrush Song" and "Cheeseburger"

Meredith is learning to do laundry now, she loves for me to dump clothes by the washer and she will put them in the washer. She occasionly needs help with a few of the larger clothes, but tries so hard to get it done herself. She is so good at helping pick up toys, especially if she knows we're going "bye-bye". She loves to go outside and to go visit people. She is always surprising us with something new she says. A few days ago, I dumped out blocks for the kids to play with and she started jumping up and down saying "OH BOY! Whoo Hoo!" When anyone laughs she likes to laugh and say "That's funny!"

Seth is a happy little man who is so content to play by himself. If he's not playing by himself, he follows Meredith around and gets into whatever she does. He's such a good natured child too. Meredith can take a toy away from him and he just moves on to something else (occasionally he'll stand up for himself if he REALLY wants a certain toy!) He's a little snuggle-bunny too. He gives the best sugars and cuddly hugs.


  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of mommy bloggers!

  2. Thanks! I can't figure out how to get to your blog? I finally have Facebook down, so maybe one day I'll have this figured out too! haha :)
